Founders/Thinking Day Message
WFIS Europe are happy to send a message to all members, today, 22nd February, Founders Day.
Today should be remembered as a very special day by all Beavers, Cubs and Scouts, Rovers, a day when we think of other Scouts throughout the world and celebrate the birth of our founder Baden-Powell.
Whilst you enjoy your special meetings and celebrations, spend a little time thinking about how you can help others, not just today, but throughout the year. Baden-Powell was a great believer in leaving this world better than you found it and by working with children in your Association, you will be able to make a difference. If every Association does something small, together it will be much - remember "Together we are strongest" .
Happy Founders Day WFIS-Europe e.V. - Steering Committee.
The World Council of the WFIS wish you and all your Scouts a
“Happy Thinkingday”
Remember the Founder of Scouting, Robert Stephenson Smith Baden Powell – Lord of Gilwell, and his wife Lady Olave St.Clair.
Keep your promise in mind and take time to celebrate the true spirit of scouting, keep the flame of the traditional scouting and hand it over to all our young brothers and sisters in scouting.
A day where we are all feel united when all Scouts and Guides are celebrate this annual 156. Birthday of our Founder Lord Baden Powell.
We wish you a wonderful time with your Scouts and Guides.
Yours in traditional Scouting
Klaus Tegeder – President WFIS